What Are The Warning Signs of Sleep Apnea?

Five Sleep Apnea Symptoms to Notice

One in every five adults has a problem that causes them to not breathe or to breath shallowly during sleep. This can happen for a few seconds up to more than ten minutes at a time. The result could lead to feeling tired and having poor concentration during the day, as well as other health problems such as diabetes, heart attack, and stroke which could be fatal if not treated. If you think that you might be suffering from sleep apnea, there are a lot of different signs. You should be aware of these signs and talk to your doctor. They may recommend a sleep study or other tests in order to get an accurate diagnosis. Some sleep doctors now prescribe an at-home sleep test so you can avoid having to spend the night in a lab! If you or a loved one has trouble breathing at night, it is really important to get medical help. Here are some signs to look for…

1. Snoring caused by sleep apnea

You might think that your snoring is just like everybody else, but it could actually be something called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea means that their breathing stops or gets shallow for at least ten seconds when they are in the sleep cycle where they are resting. You may even sound like a bear or lion roaring, as well as having pauses in between snores.

obstructive sleep apnea

Normal Breathing versus obstructive sleep apnea

2. Sleep apnea causes awakenings

When the throat muscles relax, your airway narrows or closes as you inhale. This lowers the oxygen level in your blood and can cause problems. Your brain senses your lack of oxygen and causes you to wake up briefly so that you can re-open your airway. This sleep interruption is usually so short that you don’t remember it.

You might startle or feel short of breath, and these sensations could repeat themselves up to 30 times an hour.

3. You wake up tired

If you’re always feeling lousy in the morning, this may be a sign that you have sleep apnea. This means that your ability to breathe has been disturbed during the night, and it is typically a problem which first manifests itself as a nightly issue. If it occurs daily regardless of how much sleep you get, then it’s time to see if there’s an underlying problem like a sleep disorder.

4. Restless sleep

If you have sleep apnea, your legs and arms may jerk or twitch in the night. This can make it hard for you to sleep or wake you up.

5. Your partner complains about your snoring

If your partner is complaining about what they hear at night and how much it bothers them, then there may be a problem. They may not be able to fall asleep or get annoyed when they are awakened because of what happens during the night. This can also cause relationship problems if it gets worse over time.

So what should you do?

If you think that you might have a breathing problem, then go to the doctor. There are many treatments for different problems. You can use an oral appliance or a CPAP machine. Don’t wait – download our free report and discuss it with your doctor today! Enter your email address in the top right corner…



Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep Apnea

Can I test myself for sleep apnea?

It’s not possible to test yourself for sleep apnea because it only be noticed when you are sleeping because that’s when your breathing patterns change and the problem happens. That means a sleep study or other tests may need to happen in order to get an accurate diagnosis.

When should you worry about sleep apnea?

You should worry about sleep apnea when you are tired during the day or when you have trouble concentrating. You should also talk to your doctor if somebody else notices it like your partner, or if you snore loudly or have trouble breathing at night.

How do you treat sleep apnea?

There are several options for treating sleep apnea. These include using oral appliances to move the jaw forward and open up the airways or a CPAP machine which directs air into the throat while you sleep. Your doctor may recommend other treatments!

Is there anything I can do about my snoring?

There are some things that you might want to try if you snore loudly every night – some may work better than others! Talk with your doctor about what options will be best in order to open up the airways while sleeping so that it doesn’t sound like somebody sawing wood all night! They could recommend an oral appliance or even suggest surgery if needed. You should also avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime because it can cause the throat to relax and this causes snoring.

How do I know what is causing my sleep apnea?

It’s not always easy to tell what is causing your sleep apnea so a doctor may need to help you with what happens or a machine may be used for testing. They will probably ask about any symptoms that you have been having as well as other important factors like if there are changes in weight or if anyone else notices it happening at night. There could be more than one reason why it occurs! It could even just happen from time to time because of what has happened before – talk with your doctor and see what they think might work best!

What should I do when I notice I stop breathing during the night?

If you notice that you stop breathing during the night or it happens for a long time, then what could be recommended is to talk with your doctor about what they think might be going on. They will probably want to do some tests and find out what is causing this problem so that sleep apnea can get diagnosed properly. It’s important not try and self-diagnose because of what it appears to be – there are many other problems which cause similar symptoms!

Can sleep apnea cause high blood pressure?

Sleep apnea can cause a variety of conditions including high blood pressure because the body goes through what is called ‘sleep hypertension’. This means that more blood pressure than normal happens at night because of what the brain does during sleep. If you also have high blood pressure then it could be caused by something else but if not, then talk with your doctor about what they recommend for treatment!

It could be the difference between life and death…

Take heed of the warning signs of sleep apnea and don’t let complications of sleep apnea shorten your life!

DISCLAIMER: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are intended to increase awareness and provide information. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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